Post Scriptum <p>The journal Post Scriptum was founded in 2010 with the aim of improving the scientific and research work at the Faculty of Education of the University of Bihać. Over time, the journal became recognizable in the region, so that texts from other universities in BiH, but outside its borders, arrive at its address. As the original intention of the journal is to cover all study groups at the Faculty of Education, the journal is registered as interdisciplinary, although past practice has shown that the journal could be profiled as a humanities and social sciences journal.</p> <p>Texts in the journal undergo a double review. The languages of the magazine are the official languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian. Articles written in other languages (English and German) are subject to verification by native speakers.</p> <p>The first issue of the journal was published in the winter semester of the 2010/2011 academic year. years. From then until today, the journal has been published continuously, as evidenced by thirteen published issues.</p> en-US (Šeherzada Džafić) (Adis Kozlica) Wed, 13 Sep 2023 15:46:25 +0000 OJS 60 Learning styles as determinants of self-efficacy in children of primary school age <p>The paper presents the results of research conducted on a sample of 126 students from the seventh to the ninth grade of the Elementary School in Mostar. The theoretical part of the paper discusses learning, learning styles and student self-efficacy. The aim of the work was to examine whether learning styles are a significant predictor for the development of self-efficacy in elementary school-age children, and we also examined gender differences in learning styles and self-efficacy. The results we obtained suggest that learning styles are significant determinants for explaining self-efficacy when it comes to auditory learning style. Thus, the results indicate that auditory style as a dimension of learning style is a significant determinant of self-efficacy (F3/109=3.00 p &lt; 0.05, β =0.247, p&lt; 0.05), while kinesthetic and visual style are not statistically significant predictors. Also, the results indicated that there is a statistically significant difference in self-efficacy with regard to gender. The self-efficacy of male and female students differs statistically significantly, p&lt; 0.05, where girls (M = 26.82) had a statistically significantly higher score than boys (M= 21.06), (t=-2.845, p &lt; 0, 05). The results show us that there are statistically significant differences between male and female students in the perception of the dimension of learning style when it comes to auditory style, where girls had a higher score (M=20.08) compared to boys (M= 18.57). (t=-2, 469, p &lt; 0.05). Kinesthetic and visual style, as dimensions of learning style, did not show statistically significant gender differences.</p> Aldina Leto Copyright (c) 2023 Post Scriptum Tue, 26 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Style-linguistic characteristics of title in Bosnia and Herzegovina press <p>It seems completely impossible today to imagine life without mass media. The development of modern technologies has made mass media available to everyone. Mass media, in our case the press, sometimes try to interest and excite their users with their sensational headlines, sometimes make them think, and sometimes even entertain. However, it is very important to keep in mind that each medium shapes the message according to its own language, and an integral part of the languages of the mass media are usually different stylistic and linguistic means. Following earlier analyses of journalistic style, this paper will offer a stylistic-linguistic analysis exclusively of titles, as important and recognizable features of journalistic style, whose task is to be particularly effective in provoking the reader's attention and therefore can appear in the form of rhetorical questions, phrases, already established journalistic templates, etc. , which reflects their expressiveness. In addition, the analysis of the headlines of daily newspapers from the territory of bosnia and herzegovina (osloboenje, nezavisne novine and dnevni list) confirmed that on the phoneticphonological level, for example, there is a difference in writing foreign names, i. E. Names of clubs, awards, proper names, etc. Among these three newspapers, that on the morphological plan, verbs are most often used in the present and future, that the superlative forms of adjectives are often represented, that syntaxic, lexical-semantic figures are used that give the title a stronger, stylistically colored meaning - elliptical sentences, metaphor , metonymy with, of course, an unavoidable lexicon of foreign origin where anglicisms and latinisms dominate, along with some words of oriental origin, and among the dominant functions of the titles are referential (informative), popularistic, expressive and aesthetic.</p> Amela Bajric Copyright (c) 2023 Post Scriptum Tue, 26 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Relationship of elements and evaluation methods in the teaching of Biology, Bosnian language and literature and English language <p>Monitoring, evaluation and assessment of students' knowledge are inseparable processes that</p> <p>subject teachers apply almost daily in their educational work. Experiences from teaching practice</p> <p>point to the fact that the evaluation of student achievements is one of the most sensitive areas of a</p> <p>teacher's work. The processes of assessment, evaluation and reporting on student achievements are</p> <p>often in the focus of the professional public and as such are the subject of numerous discussions and</p> <p>misunderstandings. The biggest shortcomings of the evaluation system in the area of Herzegovina-</p> <p>Neretva Canton at the level of primary education are the absence of clear criteria according to</p> <p>which student achievements and the desired level of objectivity are evaluated, which leads to</p> <p>encouraging negative patterns of motivation and learning among students.</p> <p>Evaluating students in class is a complex process, and in that process teachers can help themselves</p> <p>and students only if they create an effective system of recording, monitoring and checking students’</p> <p>knowledge and skills within their subject. The paper describes in detail the essential elements of the</p> <p>evaluation process, namely evaluation methods, sources used in the evaluation process, evaluation</p> <p>and assessment criteria. This paper presents the knowledge and thoughts of the authors, through</p> <p>clear presentations of concrete examples for improving the process of monitoring, checking and</p> <p>evaluating students’ knowledge in the teaching of Biology, Bosnian language and literature, and</p> <p>English language, based on modern reform requirements.</p> Amela Medar, Aida Dziho, Alema Fazlic Copyright (c) 2023 Post Scriptum Tue, 26 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Creative work in higher education institutions <p>Creativity at the tertiary level of education refers to analyzing creativity in higher education institutions through segments such as creativity among teachers and students and creativity in the &nbsp;business/functioning of the institution, which is one of the goals of this paper. A chapter on increasing the level of creativity in organizations/faculties was specially presented, with a special &nbsp;emphasis on increasing creativity with the help of creative techniques. The focus is also on the question of how management can encourage creativity in faculties, without excluding employees and their creative behavior in organizations. <br>It tries to show the specificity of creativity in higher education institutions; do teachers and students use creative strategies in the teaching process and what is needed to encourage creativity in higher education institutions.</p> Arijana Midzic Copyright (c) 2023 Post Scriptum Tue, 26 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Narrative re/defining of the cultural identity of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the literature of the Bosnia and Herzegovina diaspora <p>Starting from the hypothesis that spatial-cultural displacement necessarily conditions the deconstruction of cultural identity, the work, based on the theoretical assumptions of imagology and intercultural hermeneutics, considers (inter)cultural aspects of the narrative de/construction of the cultural identity of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the literature of the Bosnian diaspora. Finding examples in the novels "The Book of My Lives" and "My Parents: An Introduction" by Aleksandar Hemon, the novel "Nowhere, out of nowhere" by Bekim Sejranović and the collection of stories "Well, to start over" by Cecilija Toskić, the work tries to point out the spatial-cultural displacement and intercultural processes not only as factors of crosscultural adaptation, acculturation and assimilation, but also as factors that enable objective perception and narrative representation of Bosnian cultural identity. The paper concludes that the experience of spatialcultural displacement, represented in the above-mentioned works, results in the narrative construction of hybrid identities squeezed between two (or more) cultures, and that precisely this position of (non)belonging will enable a narrative re/definition of the cultural identity of Bosnia and Herzegovina.</p> Azra Icanovic Copyright (c) 2023 Post Scriptum Tue, 26 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Probability of life and death for two or more persons when calculating life insurance <p>In this paper we provide models for calculating the probability of life and death for two or more poeple, which are necessary when calculating life insurance.</p> Bernadin Ibrahimpasic Copyright (c) 2023 Post Scriptum Wed, 27 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Merkmale des ältesten reisebuchs durch das königreich Bosnien aus dem jahr 1530. <p>Diese Arbeit versucht folgende Frage zu beantworten: Was genau schreibt Benedikt Kuripeschitz uber das Konigreich Bosnien und die Nachbarlander: Slovenien, Kroatien und Serbien in dem altesten veroffentlichten Reisebericht uber Bosnien von 64 Seiten, mit je 30 Zeilen und 10 Bildern mit dem Titel: Itinerarium Wegrayss kun. Potschafft gen Constantinopel zu dem Turkischen Keiser Soleyman, anno XXXMDXXXI, erstmals 1531 in Osterreich in deutscher Sprache veroffentlicht. Um eine Verfalschung des Originals, wie durch verschiedene Ubersetzer passiert wurde, zu vermeiden, habe ich in dieser Arbeit den Text direkt aus dem alten Faksimile des Reiseberichts aus 1531 Wort fur Wort als neu (Direktubersetzung) ubersetzt, ohne Textverschonerung.</p> Bisera Suljic-Boskailo Copyright (c) 2023 Post Scriptum Sat, 30 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Modern approach to dual education in higher education institutions <p>The issue of the dual education system at the institutions of higher education is the focus of the education policies of many countries. Education experts stress that the dual education system has been characterized as a successful and forward-looking model, which combines formal, university education and informal acquisition of applicable technical skills through student work on practical problems in companies. The paper aimed to analyze and review dual education models at the institutions of higher education in European countries (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland), as well as the evolution of the dual education system at the universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina and countries in the region. Germany, Austria, and Switzerland face challenges of how to attune the existing dual education models to EU recommendations for dual study programs, i.e. how to innovate the current programs based on the criteria for quality and efficient dual education. These countries still aim to promote their dual education model in the future, as well as support and help the countries interested in this model. On the other hand, the development of dual education in Bosnia and Herzegovina and countries in the region is rather slow. Of all the countries in this region, only The Republic of Serbia adopted the Law on the dual model of studies in higher education and launched two dual study programs. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, there are conflicting opinions about dual education. Some believe that dual education is the key to increased employment, while others warn that it significantly lowers the educational threshold and reduces the competencies of young people. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a complex analysis of the current situation at the institutions of higher education and to determine which areas allow the possibility of developing dual studies. The following steps concern the development of regulations for the creation of a dual education model by educational, social, and economic goals and needs, strengthening the capacity of higher education institutions, and involving social partners in the dual education decision-making process.</p> Branka Kovacevic Copyright (c) 2023 Post Scriptum Sat, 30 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Learning about teaching: the role of reflection in the work of English language teachers <p>Teachers are pillars of education. Their lifelong learning is a prerequisite for improving their teaching practice. An important aspect of teachers’ learning is the reflection on their own experiences in the classroom, whereby they will acquire new knowledge and gain confidence which is especially important for novice teachers. The paper presents an overview of literature on the role of reflection for teachers in general and teachers of English as a foreign language specifically. The paper also includes the analysis of activities conducted by a group of 10 students, future teachers of English as a foreign language, who were taught the importance of reflection. The students were enrolled in English Phonetics course at English Language and Literature program – the teaching track at International University of Sarajevo. The qualitative method was applied, whereby activities conducted to raise students’ awareness of the importance of reflection for teaching were described and analysed. The approach may be described as action research aimed at examining students’ attitudes on reflection, as well as examples of good practice in teacher education. In order to familiarize future teachers of English as a foreign language with the importance of reflection for teaching, the following activities were conducted: microteaching, reflecting on one’s own microclass, peer review, and writing the reflection log. Firstly, students selected topics for 10-minute classes they held, which were related to English Phonetics. Students were free to choose the topic for their class and the age of students and their level of English proficiency, whereupon they tailored their classes to their students’ needs. The students video recorded their micro-classes with their own mobile phone cameras and were told to watch the video recording of their class prior to writing the reflection log. They commented on the classes they held, and other students in class also provided their feedback on each microclass. Finally, students filled-in a short survey in which they commented on the conducted activities and shared their impressions. The conclusion is that students have recognized the role and the importance of reflection for the teaching profession. Majority of them were happy to take on the teacher’s role and they demonstrated their autonomy, creativity and innovativeness.</p> Emina Jeleskovic Copyright (c) 2023 Post Scriptum Sat, 30 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Measuring instruments and quality of student achievements <p>The paper discusses the quality and methods of measurement of student achievements in the first grade in secondary education. It addresses questions such as what needs to be conducted in order to perform a correct measurement, why it is important to measure the achievements, who the obtained results are for etc. These are only some questions the paper aims to answer. Furthermore, the paper analyzes the teachers’ role in the core process of the quality measurement of student achievements as well as their role in the process of preparing students with the aim of achieving the designated and set quality. Our focus in the paper is on how the standards are defined, who participates in the process of creating the standards, who approves them, and finally how the validity of the set quality standards is measured since the teaching process quality standards have been in the center of interest lately. Finally, we analyze the impact of input results and whether it is important to plan methods of teaching and learning in accordance with the input results in order to achieve better output results.</p> Enisa Golos Copyright (c) 2023 Post Scriptum Sat, 30 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Semantic adaptation of germanisms in the conceptual field: Sports, entertainment and games <p>Semantic adaptation refers to the process of adjusting the meaning of a foreign word to the linguistic system of the recipient. When a word is "borrowed" from a foreign language, its original meaning may be lost or changed to better fit the new linguistic environment. This usually happens through prolonged use of the word in the target language, during which a new connotation of the word may gradually develop. In this study, the semantic adaptation of German-origin words in the Bosnian language system refers to the adjustment of the meanings of words integrated into the Bosnian language. Specifically, we examine how German-origin words related to sports and games are adapted to the Bosnian language system and what changes in their semantics are noticed after integration into the Bosnian language. This paper will also analyze the prevalence of German words in the field of sports and games and investigate how often they are used in the Bosnian language. By combining the analysis of semantic adaptation of words and research on the frequency of word usage in the Bosnian language, this paper will provide insight into the influence of the German language on the Bosnian language in the field of sports and games.</p> Hatidze Burnic Copyright (c) 2023 Post Scriptum Sun, 01 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Stripe towards achievement and belief in a just world <p>Striving for achievement is in the nature of every individual, because with each new achievement, whether easier or more difficult, the individual prepares for new challenges in life. At the same time, in order to achieve a certain achievement, the individual also believes that he will receive an appropriate reward for his work, i.e. he believes in the justice of the society that surrounds him. The aim of this research was to determine whether there is a connection between the pursuit of achievement and belief in a just world. 246 respondents, student population from Mostar, Zenica and Bihać participated in the research. The questionnaires used in this research were: the scale of striving for achievement and the scale of belief in a just world, along with certain questions of a sociodemographic nature. The obtained results showed that there is a statistically significant correlation between striving for achievement and belief in a just world, but it is very weak. Then, the findings show us that there is a statistically significant difference in the striving for achievement with regard to gender. Namely, male respondents (M= 34.43) showed a greater desire for achievement than female respondents (M=29.76). In contrast to the striving for achievement, there is no statistically significant difference with regard to gender in the belief in a just world scale (0.643&gt;0.05). Finally, the results were obtained that showed that there is no statistically significant difference in the striving for achievement (0.606&gt;0.05) and belief in a just world (0.648) with regard to the most common assessment of students.</p> Indira Husic, Esved Kajtaz Copyright (c) 2023 Post Scriptum Sun, 01 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Effektivität des Einsatzes von Apps im Fremdsprachenunterricht <p>Die Lernenden sind schon gewohnt, die digitalen Medien im Alltag zu benutzen und ihr Einsatz im Fremdsprachenunterricht kann zur Verbesserung der Motivation und Interaktion führen. In dieser Arbeit ist dargestellt worden, wie neue Technologien den Einsatz von digitalen Medien im FSU beeinflussen und den Unterrichtsprozess verändern und effizienter machen können. Die Forschung wurde experimentell mit den Lernenden an einer Grundschule durchgefüfrt, wobei im Unterricht die Apps Kahoot! und Book Creator angewendet wurden. Ausgangshypothese lautet: Die Ergebnisse der Anwendung von den Apps im Deutsch als Fremdsprachenunterricht werden effektiveres Erreichen der Lernziele sichtbar zeigen. Die Ergebnisse des Tests der Experimental- und Kontrollgruppe wurden bearbeitet und verglichen. Aufgrund der Analyse von Ergebnissen wird über einige Vor- und Nachteile von digitalen Medien im Fremdsprachenunterricht diskutiert.</p> Jasmina Tockic-Celes Copyright (c) 2023 Post Scriptum Sun, 01 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Professional foreign language – analysis of motivation and attitudes of healthcare students <p>The significance of foreign language proficiency in the global environment is characterized as a crucial component for enhancing international communication, collaboration, and labor market mobility. English is currently widely used as the language of international communication in various domains, while German is increasingly becoming the language of communication within the European Union. This paper presents the results of a study conducted on the courses of English Language and German Language in the first year of the undergraduate program in Radiological Technology and Physiotherapy at the Faculty of Health Studies, University of Mostar. The study aimed to analyze students' attitudes and motivation towards learning a foreign language in the context of their studies. The study investigated the factors contributing to students' motivation for learning a foreign language for specific purposes, such as the need for communication within the profession, expectations of employment in an international environment, and personal development aspirations. For this purpose, an anonymous questionnaire was constructed and administered among the target student population (N=95), and statistical analysis of the collected data was performed using the SPSS 20.0 statistical software. The introduction provides an overview of previous research on motivation for learning foreign languages in professional contexts, followed by the presentation of study findings. The obtained results enable a detailed analysis of motivational factors and can be utilized for the development of various teaching approaches and tailored instructional strategies to stimulate student motivation.</p> Magdalena Ramljak, Kaja Mandic, Darija Glibic Copyright (c) 2023 Post Scriptum Sun, 01 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Metaphorical framing of children’s digital media addiction in media discourse <p>The paper investigates figurative construal of children’s excessive use of electronic devices in articles that tackle the issues of children’s media addiction, as well as concentration and attention span, which are considered to be affected by this excessive use of technology. In giving their opinion on the topic, authors of articles resort to the use conceptual metaphor – a cognitive device where more abstract concept (a target domain) is being understood through the use of another, more concrete concept (a source domain). Authentic language data reveal the use of metaphorical linguistic expressions such as ‘digital overdose’ and ‘electronic cocaine’, which send a disturbing message that children are ‘overdosing’. This detailed analysis aims to investigate: (a) the types of metaphor (according to Steen’s 2010 three-dimensional model of metaphor analysis) in articles on children’s media addiction; (b) whether ADDICTION metaphors are dominant and deliberate; (c) their communicative function – the rhetorical function intended by the authors, as well as their rhetorical effects on recipients (notably, parents);(d) the implications of their combination with other metaphors within a sentence or a paragraph; (e) the possibility of resorting to alternative metaphor use.</p> Mersina Mujagic, Alma Pehlivanovic Copyright (c) 2023 Post Scriptum Sun, 01 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The heroes of Krajina in the epic songs of Ćamil Kulenović <p>This paper focuses on the epic poemby Ćamil Kulenović, the epic poet from Krajina. We will emphasize there presentation of identities of the epic heroes of Krajina in Ćamil Kulenović’s poems; how they are presented in his poems, their psychological characterization, interpersonal relationships, relationships to female subjects, as well as how interculturalism is manifested in them. Furthermore, the interpretation of Kulenović’s poems will prove thath is poems belong to theoralepic tradition of Krajina with its specificity: epic ambience, objective and subjective dimension, duels, Krajina heroes, weddings, abductions, use of books, describing, detailing, clichéd beginnings and endings, established formulas, repetitions</p> Rajla Kurtovic-Kasic Copyright (c) 2023 Post Scriptum Mon, 02 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Language and style characteristics of Branko Ćopić's Work "The donkey years" <p>Subject of analysis are linguistic and stylistic characteristics of a novel „Magareće godine“ by Branko Ćopić. Published in 1960. this novel presents a story of growing up, friendship, first love, education and mischiefs of a group of children. Analysis was conducted on the level of phonostylistic, morphostylistic, lexicostylistic and semantostylistic. On the level of phonostylistic, stylistic figures of subtraction (syncope and apocope) and adjunction (paragogue) were detected. These figures were used in order to depict characters thoroughly and they indicate on local, mostly provincial and jargon use of language. On the level of morphostylistic very common and specific is use of aorist. Although this verb tense could be substituted with perfect tense, aorist is much more stylistically expressive. Ćopić uses this tense for fast change of actions; for desplaying sudden and lively occurences, as well as at the end or the beggining of direct speech. On the level of lexicostylistic very common is the use of deminutives, augmentatives, exclamations and imitative words. Having in mind, that this literary work is part of literature for children, use of expressive lexic has a function of expressing what is dear, scary, funny or strange to children, or what is small or big. Also, this level of analysis is typical by its use of many nicknames, which is again specific for works from the area of literature for children. Nickanames are created by shortening names and last names, and are also based on physical characteristics or behaviour of its carrier. They mostly have positive meaning, but those of negative meaning are also present. Among lexic and syntactic figures very common is the use of anaphora, rhetorical question, aposiopesis, ellipsis, accumulation (and its varieties), and epizeuxis. On the level of semantostylistic simile is a very common figure. It is used to make expression more lively and to make abstract terms more concrete. Its common use in this litraray work is in order to create humoristic effect. Except this figure, very common is the figure hyperbole. Using semantic figures, together with ellipsis and epizeuxis, Ćopić presents and revives the manner how children speak, and makes this literary work close to those that are intended to read it. Linguostylistic analysis of Ćopić's work „Magareće godine“ has detected that this literary work is abundant is means of expressive lexic, lexic, syntactic and semantic figures, types of aorist and phonetic and phonological figures of substraction and adjunction.</p> Sanja Merzic Copyright (c) 2023 Post Scriptum Mon, 02 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Students' thoughts on proverbs <p>Proverbs are very interesting, important and complex language structures.They are strong and effective instuments used to propagate one nation's cultural standards, moral values, manners and ideas. It is significant that they are also used to form a complete language statement which contributes to the conversations or it is used for speech act performoming in the different speech situations.Very often they contain universal human values because of interwoven wisdom and hidden veil of truth. This was the main reason why they were chosen as a basis for this reserach done together with the students of the Faculty of Teacher Education. It is considered in this research their way of thinking based on their own life experiance.</p> Lejla Ovcina, Sanja Soce Copyright (c) 2023 Post Scriptum Mon, 02 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Methodological models of the study of Bosnia and Herzegovina literature through intracultural processes <p>Given its plural nature, Bosnian literature implies multiple layers and articulates internal processes that are significantly different from external ones, generating an intracultural profile that challenges a specific, different, and at the same time, unique approach to its study. Relying on the general methodology of the study of literature and on the history of the study of Bosnian literature, with a methodological foundation in the eclecticism of cultural studies and intercultural literature, the work tries to point out the possibilities of studying Bosnian literature through intracultural processes.</p> Seherzada Dzafic Copyright (c) 2023 Post Scriptum Mon, 02 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Chronotope of modern fairy tale <p>One of the specifics of the oral fairy tale is its chronotope, which Vladimir Propp defined as onedimensional, in which space and time are indefinite, and the world of the miraculous and the real coexist in the same dimension of space and time. The indeterminacy of time and space in fairy tales has remained until today, however, in contemporary fairy tales, outlines of concrete space and time appear more and more often, so that the author's fairy tales change the chronotope in accordance with contemporary social circumstances. Chronotopes of a certain city, village, contemporary life and time appear, so it can be concluded that the change of chronotope in fairy tales is one of the specificities of contemporary fairy tales. The concretization of the chronotope of the fairy tale leads to the violation of one-dimensionality, which brings the narrative of the contemporary fairy tale much closer to a fantastic story. Examining the chronotopes in contemporary fairy tales, two ways of forming the narrative can be observed: retaining the chronotope of the oral fairy tale and the formation of a contemporary chronotope that is close to fantasy.</p> Vildana Pecenkovic Copyright (c) 2023 Post Scriptum Mon, 02 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Kollokationen mit der basis leistung in den zeitungsressorts politik, populärwissenschaft und sport <p>Gegenstand des Beitrags sind Kollokationen mit der Basis Leistung und adjektivischen Kollokatoren in den Ressorts POLITIK, POPULÄRWISSENSCHAFT UND SPORT deutscher Zeitungen. Das Hauptziel der Forschung ist es, die Verwendung der Kollokatoren in Abhängigkeit von den Ressorts zu beschreiben, sowie die Frage zu beantworten, inwieweit das Ressort die Kollokatorenwahl beeinflusst. Das Korpus wurde dem digitalen Referenzkorpus DeReKo (Das Deutsche Referenzkorpus) des IDS (Institut für deutsche Sprache) in Mannheim entnommen. Der Terminus Kollokation (lateinisch collocatio dt. Anordnung) wurde aus dem britischen Kontextualismus übernommen und steht für bevorzugte („habitualisierte“) Lexemverbindungen. Kollokationen sind mehr oder weniger feste Wortverbindungen, für deren gemeinsames Auftreten es normalerweise keine grammatischen (syntaktisch-semantischen) Gründe gibt. So wird im Deutschen die Handlung des Zähnesäuberns mit dem Verb putzen (sich die Zähne putzen), im Englischen mit dem Verb bürsten (to brush one’s teeth) und im Bosnischen mit dem Verb waschen (prati zube) ausgedrückt. Solche Wortverbindungen beruhen hauptsächlich auf wiederholter Verwendung bestimmter Lexemkombinationen, was dazu führt, dass ihr Gebrauch konventionalisiert wird. Anhand der Analyseergebnisse wurde festgestellt, dass das Ressort die Wahl der frequentesten Kollokatoren nicht beeinflusst. Weiters, kommen die meisten der frequentesten Kollokatoren aus dem semantischen Feld wie die Basis Leistung, was darauf hinweist, dass eine stärkere Verbindung zwischen der Basis und dem Kollokator als zwischen dem Ressort und dem Kollokator besteht. Im Korpus gibt es allerdings auch eine bestimmte Anzahl an Adjektiven, die aus demselben semantischen Feld wie das Ressort stammen und auf dessen Wahl das Ressort großen Einfluss gehabt haben muss. Weitere Forschungen an einem größeren Korpus könnten eine Antwort darauf geben, ob es bei diesen Adjektiven um ressorttypische Kollokatoren handelt. Ein bejahendes Ergebnis würde für eine Aufnahme solcher Kollokatoren in die Kollokationenwörterbücher sprechen.</p> Zrinka Coralic, Gorana Selmanovic Copyright (c) 2023 Post Scriptum Mon, 02 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000