Post Scriptum 2024-12-10T17:27:02+00:00 Šeherzada Džafić Open Journal Systems <p>The journal Post Scriptum was founded in 2010 with the aim of improving the scientific and research work at the Faculty of Education of the University of Bihać. Over time, the journal became recognizable in the region, so that texts from other universities in BiH, but outside its borders, arrive at its address. As the original intention of the journal is to cover all study groups at the Faculty of Education, the journal is registered as interdisciplinary, although past practice has shown that the journal could be profiled as a humanities and social sciences journal.</p> <p>Texts in the journal undergo a double review. The languages of the magazine are the official languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian. Articles written in other languages (English and German) are subject to verification by native speakers.</p> <p>The first issue of the journal was published in the winter semester of the 2010/2011 academic year. years. From then until today, the journal has been published continuously, as evidenced by thirteen published issues.</p> Interpersonal relationships in the prediction of school satisfaction of students and teachers 2024-07-22T20:09:42+00:00 Sejla Bjelopoljak Senaid Haskic <p>Only those who love and are loved can teach, because children learn only from those they love, there is no other compromise. The generally accepted rule is that only what is loved can be refined and improved. Is it possible to successfully realize the mission of the school if the teacher is not a role model for the students, if the student has an aversion to the teacher, if the teacher does not direct his teaching towards the student, if the student or the teacher does not like the school? A series of questions opened the research curiosity by thinking about the factors that influence the school satisfaction of students and teachers. The aim of the work was to examine school satisfaction among secondary school students and teachers depending on the mutual perception of the relationship. Empirical research was carried out, which follows the qualitative-quantitative paradigm with the following methods: descriptive, theoretical analysis method and judgment/evaluation method. In the research, a survey questionnaire<br />for teachers and students “Evaluation of satisfaction with school” was used. The research sample consists of 192 respondents (96 students and 96 teachers of four-year and three-year secondary schools from the area of Una-Sana Canton). The results of the research did not confirm differences in the satisfaction of students and teachers regarding the type of school, years of schooling and work experience, but they did confirm that the quality of interaction and communication between students and teachers affects their satisfaction with the school.</p> 2024-07-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Post Scriptum The role of communication in preschool children's play 2024-07-22T20:32:47+00:00 Mersiha Kolcakovic Katarina Lasic Mirela Vasic-Hadzihalilovic <p>All we do with children has a form of communication, not just words, but also the timbre of the voice, facial expression and body language. The way we communicate with children sends messages of respect, empathy and care, but it can also send the opposite messages. By actively listening to children, encouraging them to talk about their feelings, and using positive, descriptive language, we let children know they can confide in us. In addition, the way we communicate with others has an impact on teaching children to solve problems, to be selfaware and to know how to listen to other people. Children’s play and communication are closely related. Some experts describe children’s play as a social activity that represents a form of communication. Play has always been an integral part of children’s life and creativity as well as the basis of children’s development, their physical, intellectual and socio-emotional abilities. A child develops in a play and acquires the first concepts about himself / herself and his / her environment. Although lifestyles changed at various stages of social development, the play has remained an integral part of children’s activities in new social conditions. The play is the primary activity of a preschool child. In the game, a child communicates, expresses his / her feelings and relationships with the environment, the game enables them to actively participate in a social life. In the game, a child develops motor skills and his / her nervous system, enriches his / her vocabulary, expands his / her knowledge about the life and work of people, socializes and learns proper behavior in life. That is the reason why we can say that play affects the allround development of a child’s personality and that preschool institutions should pay a great attention to it.</p> 2024-07-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Post Scriptum Questions and tasks in reading texts for classroom teaching 2024-07-23T09:34:40+00:00 Lejla Ovcina Merisa Rekic <p>In the last two decades, changes have occurred in the education system of Bosnia and Herzegovina which relate to revision of the curriculums, the introduction of new methods of learning and teaching and the transition to nine-year education. Certain aspects of knowledge acquisition have remained unchanged, which also applies to sources of knowledge. Among them is a textbook, which, regardless of the above changes, remains a significant factor in the teaching process and the starting point for the practical application of binding curriculums. In this research, reading books for the third, fourth and fifth grade of a nine-year elementary school were analyzed. The subject of analysis is the representation of questions and tasks in reading books according to Bloom’s taxonomy, which will lead to the one that is the most representative.</p> 2024-07-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Post Scriptum Development of the present tense in Bosnian legal texts of medieval Bosnia 2024-07-24T06:39:50+00:00 Almira Dzanic <p>The paper deals with the development of the present tense in Bosnian legal texts of medieval Bosnia with the aim of better understanding the present tense and its continuations in the modern Bosnian language. The work is based on the corpus of charters that were created in the area of medieval Bosnia in the period from the 12th to the 15th century. We chose the corpus of charters because they are relatively far from the Church Slavonic language and are closer to the living vernacular. Present continuations are tabulated and accompanied by appropriate examples. This paper also includes a comparative analysis of the occurrence of present tenses in the Gospels. We chose this approach so that the relationship between Old Church Slavonicism and the influence of the vernacular language could be better observed. In part of this work, the method of learning and mastering the present tense is also methodologically explained through the teaching process at the faculty, because in our work with students we noticed the need for a more transparent presentation.</p> 2024-07-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Post Scriptum About the language of young people in the city of Bihać 2024-07-24T09:06:04+00:00 Zrinka Ćoralić Mersina Mujagić <p>This paper describes the linguistic creativity of the youth in the city of Bihać, which is reflectedin the use of slang in everyday communication and depicts the attitudes and characteristicsof the mentioned group. This non-standard lexis of the Bosnian language was collected bya survey of the student population. It has been established that the youth use emotional–expressive lexis to express attitudes, share experiences, and that this lexis of limited use iscreated to oppose the standard.</p> 2024-07-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Post Scriptum Semantic structure and typology of idioms with the main component “head” and their translation into English in “Tvrđava, (Fortress)” by Meša Selimović 2024-12-10T12:58:51+00:00 Amela Dziho Hidovic <p>Idioms (idiomatic expressions) represent a certain challenge to literary translators due to<br>their associative meanings and usually culture-based origins. These expressions can be analysed<br>separately, however, it is necessary to study them in the light of the overall literary translation.<br>The paper will deal with the contrastive semantic analysis and translation of idioms with<br>the main nominal component “head” and their English translation equivalents in the literary<br>piece “Tvrđava” (“Fortress”) by Meša Selimović. The main level of analyses is the semantic<br>structure of original idioms along with their meanings given in idiomatic dictionaries.<br>Furthermore, the analyses will focus on semantic modifications within idioms made by the<br>author himself for stylistic purposes as well as semantic modifications made in translations.<br>Finally, the paper will analyse idiomatic typologies and methods of translation of idioms as<br>well as shed light</p> 2024-12-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Post Scriptum Metaphor of the speaker and hearer in the travelogue discourse 2024-12-10T13:49:30+00:00 Bernisa Puris <p>One of the fundamental issues of contemporary stylistics is the issue of the distribution of linguistic means through which the speaker and hearer are actualized in different functional styles, their genres and texts. The aim of this paper is to analyze and interpret the replacement (synonymy or transposition) of the first person singular, as the speaking person, by its grammatical-metaphorical synonyms (enallage of the person) in the travel writing discourse. As travel writing discourse shows specificity in relation to other genres when it comes to replacing the first person singular with figurative lexis (tropes), the goal of this paper will be the analysis and interpretation of specific figurative lexis as a means of referencing the speaker/ emitter and hearer/&nbsp; recipient in travel writing discourse. The final goal of the work is to point out the connotative value of the analyzed grammatical and lexical metaphors in the travel writing discourse and their specificity genre expression. The corpus is an anthological source of Bosnian travel writing of the 20th century.</p> 2024-12-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Post Scriptum The morphology of pronouns, ajdectives and numbers in the Oblici književne hrvaštine (1865) grammar book by Vinko Pacel 2024-12-10T17:27:02+00:00 Borana Moric-Mohorovicic <p>This work analyses the grammatical description of pronouns, adjectives and numbers in the grammar book Oblici književne hrvaštine (1865) written by Vinko Pacel, member of the Rijeka Philological School. When it comes to grammatical categories of variable parts of speech, Pacel distinguishes gender (masculine, feminine and neutrum), numbers (singular, dual and plural) and case (nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, vocative, instrumental, locative). Pacel didn’t define pronouns, adjectives and number (just like other parts of speech). Pacel categorizes pronouns into three classes based on declension patterns, and into six classes based on meaning. This paper analyses both divisions and the author’s considerations are put in the context of his time. The author distinguishes definite and indefinite adjectives. He claims that definite and indefinite adjectives are distinguished based on declension, meaning and accentuation. He pays special attention to the prosodic difference between examples of definite and indefinite adjectives. This work presents nominal and pronominal-adjective declension. Special attention is paid to the analysis of specificities in declension patterns. The author also briefly explains adjective comparison. Numbers are categorized into nine classes. The author pays attention to the declension of numbers, allowing the declension of numbers following four. Pacel’s grammatical solutions are put in the context of grammatical solutions of the Zagreb Philological School.</p> 2024-12-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Post Scriptum